Why Never Again is Now 

As the war in Israel rages on, I believe that it is important to understand why Israel, and the vast majority of Jewish people, believe that there can not be a premature ceasefire while the terrorists have openly stated their intention to repeat horrific attacks upon Israel until the nation is completely destroyed and every Jewish person annihilated.

A quick history lesson will explain why Jewish people feel so strongly about this. Jewish people, including myself, have been absolutely horrified and, quite frankly, in disbelief, at the support that the terrorists have received while antisemitism on college campuses, in cities throughout the nation and the world is both blatant and skyrocketing.

We, the Jewish people, have been here before as the Nazi rage against Jews was known as ‘The Final Solution.’ This policy of deliberate and systematic genocide of all Jewish people, began across German-occupied Europe and was intended to reach beyond the European continent. 

During the Holocaust, two-thirds of the Jewish population in Europe were murdered, including 90 percent of Polish Jews. Perhaps a comparison of the number of Jewish people before and after World War II throughout Europe will put things into perspective.

In 1933, the number of Jews in Poland was 3,300,000. In 1945, it was just 297,000. Jews living in Ukraine in 1933 numbered 1,500,000, and in 1945, Jews numbered only 600,000. And in Germany, the Jewish population was decimated from 330,000 to only 40,000 following the war. Had the United States and other countries not stepped in to combat the Nazi butchery, Hitler might have accomplished his stated goal – to eradicate the world of Jews. History is certainly repeating itself with the mindless mantras of total destruction of Jewish people in Israel and elsewhere.

I am sharing this because most Jews would love nothing more than to be allowed to live in peace and freedom. Every Jewish person in Israel is, in one way or another, being detrimentally impacted by this war. Jews around the world, including those in the United States, have determined that we can not sit idly by and permit another Holocaust.

As I have shared in recent podcasts, my faith in the God of the Jews – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – is the glimmer of light that sustains me during this perilous time. In spite of worldwide opposition, Jews and Christians are united in support of Israel. 

As King David said in Psalm 31:21, “Praise the LORD, because he showed me how wonderful his faithful love is when the city was surrounded by enemies.” 

I am continuously reminded that although the Jewish nation is surrounded by its enemies, and although Israel must do everything to prevent another Holocaust, ultimately, we must trust Almighty God for victory and vindication. This is my challenge and my commitment. Please consider whether you will do the same.